Monday, October 1, 2012

Four to GO!


                                                                                    IT MAKES LIFE EASIER
Once you have a plan of attack, concerning saving money, it's time to start planning. Be focused. You, like me, may want to go SO many places. But it's better to start out with one trip at a time. Hit the internet, travel books, library and ask friends that have been there. Find out every detail that interests you. So then you're prepared and educated to go on the trip. It takes all the stress (hopefully) out of the trip once you're on it. Make sure you plan for extras, you know souviers or some fun unexpected opportunity. All this planning ahead will help you know how much money you need to save. So that you're not just saving forever or not saving enough.

When you're planning ahead don't get so caught up in the "scheduling" that you don't enjoy the trip. Even professional vacation tours allow for free time and choosing different activities. Remember why you want to go where you're going. What do you want to see and do. Planning ahead is important for your budget and sanity, but don't let it get in the way of having fun!
Where do you want to go first?

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